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Ucieczka z Dannemory

Escape at Dannemora
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Ucieczka z Dannemory
powrót do forum serialu Ucieczka z Dannemory

Za jednym z portali: "Joyce Mitchell mówi, że "Ucieczka z Dannemory" to kłamstwo. Kobieta, która obecnie odsiaduje wyrok za pomoc więźniom w ucieczce, oskarżyła Bena Stillera o to, że nakłamał w "Ucieczce z Dannemory". "Nigdy nie uprawiałam z nimi seksu. Ben Stiller to kłamliwy s***nsyn, tak jak reszta świata. Nie obchodzi go prawda. On tylko chce zarobić na mnie miliony. To idiota" – oznajmiła Mitchell w rozmowie z "New York Post"."

użytkownik usunięty

No cóż, dla mnie zawsze sprawiała wrażenie niepoczytalnej. Otrzymała kolejną okazję do sensacji to ją wykorzystuje, ale jak na razie nie klei się to z zarówno jej przeszłymi zeznaniami jak i informacjami z innych źródeł.
https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/new-york-prison-escape/sex-drugs-prison-seamst ress-joyce-mitchells-confession-revealed-n399831
https://nypost.com/2015/06/24/shawskank-had-closet-sex-with-killer-4-times-a-wee k-ex-inmate/
https://www.syracuse.com/crime/index.ssf/2015/07/joyce_mitchell_says_she_perform ed_sex_acts_took_naked_photos_for_escaped_prisone.html
W odpowiedzi Stiller rzekł tyle:
"We did a year's worth of research on the project. We talked to a lot of people who were in the tailor shop, and in the Inspector General's Office. We got as much information as we could from the police reports, the interviews, and then we put together our story. We think it is a real representation of what went on. It's not a documentary. We did have to create scenes based on us inferring what we believed to be the truth. My guideline was always to try and tell what I thought happened. She can dispute it but the reality is, she was kicked out of the tailor shop for inappropriate conduct, for going in the back room with David Sweat. I think there were 60 or 70 notes passed back and forth between them. She sent him nude pictures of herself."
"I was just trying to tell the story in as real and hopefully as entertaining a way as possible without exploiting. I'm sorry she feels that way. It can't be fun to be in prison and I don’t have any ill will towards her in particular."

Stiller-bardzo dyplomatyczny ;)

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